Simulaid examples

For each function described here the following information is given here:

Note, that the list of all the menu options can be obtained from the startup screen by typing f.

DSSP:Screen shot Input file to rerun Output fileOutput plot
Hydrogen bond:Screen shot Input file to rerun Output fileOutput plot
2D RMSD map:Screen shot Input file to rerun Output fileOutput plot
Helix analyses:Screen shot Input file to rerun Output fileOutput plot
Radius of gyration:Screen shot Input file to rerun Output fileOutput plot
Orientation optimization:Screen shot Input file to rerun Optimized file 
Orient to a bond:Screen shot Input file to rerun Oriented file 
Extracting sequence:Screen shot Input file to rerun Sequence file 
File format conversion:Screen shot Input file to rerun Converted file  
Trajectory conversion:Screen shot Input file to rerun   
Test system starting structure (PDB)
Test system starting structure (Schroedinger Maestro)
Test system MD trajectory in Charmm format (Intel binary)
Test system MD trajectory in Amber format (ASCI text)
Simulaid version with these examples Source code Executable