Recently added features |
Inertia plot for K-means and K-medoid clustering |
Helix property tables, correlation, NMA |
Spearman and Kendall Tau rank correlations too |
Translate while converting a trajectory |
Option to permute bond list from topology files |
Option to override Y axis scale in 1D plots |
Check for long/short bonds in a trajectory |
Check for unphysical features on a trajectory |
Check for ligand-ligand overlap |
Calculate SD corresponding to CV values |
Calculate orientational fluctuation of a domain |
Color code bond tracks by domains |
Change a dihedral angle |
Secondary structure segment and residue counts |
Translate/rotate individual molecules |
Enhanced selection for bond plots |
Rotate around an axis defined by two atoms |
Shift in a direction defined by two atoms |
Calculate intra molecular RMSD |
Convert a stack of PDB files to MODELs |
Calculate surface curvature |
Prepare MODELs representing helix axes |