!IV.9. Finite difference thermodynamic integration !This is a example combines an other two free energy simulation !types. It calculates the Helmholtz free energy !difference between ethanol and acetone in water, using the finite !differenece thermdynamic integration. The integrand at !each quadrature point is obtained by the popular perturbation method. FILE pm 50 TITL Perturbation method test ethane - acetaldehyde TITL 3-point Gaussian quadrature (probably inadequate) HRDW VC32 SVVC SPCC 10.0 SUVC MICC PBCN FCC 19.57563 TEMP 298 | NSLV 500 STEP 0.10 10.0 0.55 30.0 30 SVPT TIP3 TIP3 SUPT CHRM !Lambda=0.112702 run FREE PMLI CCMX 0.112702 0.102702 0.122702 0.0 1.0 SLTA SMPL MMC FILE 16 16 8 16 1 CNFG READ ASCI NOFX !Equilibrate RUNS 1000000 100000 1000000 1000000 100000 RMCK !Remove equilibration checkpoint file to save disk space !Production run RUNS 5000000 100000 1000000 1000000 100000 WCNF ASCI UNCH 60 FILE pm 60 !New coupling parameter - lambda=0.5 FREE PMLI CCMX 0.50 0.49 0.51 0.102702 0.122702 !Restore solute to original initial and final state SLTA SMPL MMC FILE 16 16 8 16 1 !Read starting config from disk to prepare the new !initial and final states CNFG READ ASCI NOFX !Equilibrate RUNS 1000000 100000 1000000 1000000 100000 RMCK !Production run RUNS 5000000 100000 1000000 1000000 100000 WCNF ASCI UNCH 70 !New coupling parameter - lambda=0.887298 FREE PMLI CCMX 0.887298 0.877298 0.897298 0.49 0.51 !Restore solute to original initial and final state SLTA SMPL MMC FILE 16 16 8 16 1 FILE pm 70 CNFG READ ASCI NOFX !Equilibrate RUNS 1000000 100000 1000000 1000000 100000 RMCK !Production run RUNS 5000000 100000 1000000 1000000 100000 !Evaluate the TI quadrature TIQU REGL ALL 3 51 10 0 1 0 0 0 STOP SLFT FULL !Files needed for run: ! * pm.50.crd: initial configuration. ! * pm.slt: description of the two solutes. !Files created by the run: ! * pm.crd: initial configuration. ! * pm.51.ckp, pm.61.ckp, pm.71.ckp: checkpoint files at the quadrature ! points. ! * pm.51.crd, pm.52.crd, pm.61.crd, pm.62.crd, pm.71.crd, pm.72.crd: ! Coordinate files at the end of equilibration and production runs.