Description of the program Gibbs: Calculation of liquid phase equilibria with the cavity-biased Gibbs ensemble method.

Molec. Simulation, Vol 9, pp 257-267 (1992)
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Mihaly Mezei

Department of Pharmacological Sciences,

Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

New York, NY 10029

Nov. 15, 2004.

I. General description
II. Installation
III. Input syntax
IV. Sample input
V. File formats
VI. References

I. General Description

The program calculates phase equilibria of a one-component molecular fluid by simulating the system in the Gibbs ensemble of Panagiotpoulus REF. In the Gibbs ensemble, two copies of the system are simulated in equilibrium with each other. The equilibrium is obtained by periodic attempt to transfer either some volume or a molecule from one system to an other. Such exchanges are accepted usiong rules similar to those used in (T,P,N) or (T,V,mu) ensemble simulations, respectively.

The transfer of molecules into a liquid is facilitated by the cavity-biasig of Mezei REF, originally introduced for simulations in the grand-canonical ensemble REF.

The program can also be used for the simulation of two (T,P,N) or (T,V,mu) ensemble fluids.

The molecules are assumed to be rigid. They can interact with a combination of Lennard-Jones and electrostatic terms. The long-range contributions (that are of greater significance here than for constant N simulations) can be estimated by the reaction field method for the electrostatic part and using the formula of Mezei & Bencsath for the Lennard-Jones part REF.

II. Installation

The program is written in standard Fortran-77. Before compilation, certain symbols have to be changed in the source file gibbs.for. These symbols determine the maximum dimensions of arrays used.

Furthermore, certain platform-dependent lines may have to be uncommented as follows:

There is a c-shell script pre.csh that performs the dimension-related substitution. It can be edited to accomodated the system to be simulated.

II. Input syntax

The endings G and R in the variable names refer to the grid or random insertion. Grid insertion is done in the liquid and random insertion in the vapor phase. For some quantities, zero input will result in using default values, shown below enclosed between braces.

  1. Option array : iop (40i2)

    If iop(10) > 0 (run continued from a checkpoint file), skip items 2-8.

  2. id (20a4/20a4)
  3. nrgrid, icolcr, rgrid, alj, blj (2i5,3f20.0)
  4. nmmg, nmmr, temp, edgea, prsag, prsar (2i5,4f15.5)
  5. cedgs, rotax, delvol (20x,3f20.0)
  6. nslv, ngrid, cutof, rsph (2i5,3f20.0)
  7. nslv records (one for each atom in the simulated molecule):
  8. nmcmax, nmcrep, nrecd, nmcvch, nmccnt (7i10)

    When iop(10)=0, the input terminates here.

  9. nmcmax, nmcrep (7i10)

IV. Sample input

The input for methylene fluoride REF at T= 225 K is given below, first properly formatted and next with line-by-line annotations:

 2 0 0 1 0 2 0 1 1 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0
 GIBBS   methylene fluoride at 225K
 10 million MC steps
    0    0         0.0                0.0                0.0
  511    2         225.0        32.50000
             0.3                15.0                400.
    5  100   15.                 3.0
    6   0.00000         0.00000      0.00000         0.300     3.150   0.10844
    1   0.91213         0.00000     -0.59676         0.075     2.170   0.01985
    1  -0.91213         0.00000     -0.59676         0.075     2.170   0.01985
    9   0.00000         1.10464      0.79333        -0.225     2.975   0.07944
    9   0.00000        -1.10464      0.79333        -0.225     2.975   0.07944
  10000000     10000    100000       500    50000
  1. Option array: iop
    2 0 0 1 0 2 0 1 1 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0
  2. id
    GIBBS methylene fluoride at 225K
    10 million MC steps
  3. nrgrid, icolcr, rgrid, alj, blj
       0    0         0.0                0.0                0.0
  4. nmmg, nmmr, temp, edgea, prsag, prsar
     511    2         225.0        32.50000
  5. cedgs, rotax, delvol
                0.3               15.0                400.
  6. nslv, ngrid, cutof, rsph
       5  100   15.                 3.0
  7. nslv records (iop(11) > 5): islv, x, y, z, q, sigma, eps
       6   0.00000         0.00000      0.00000         0.300     3.150   0.10844
       1   0.91213         0.00000     -0.59676         0.075     2.170   0.01985
       1  -0.91213         0.00000     -0.59676         0.075     2.170   0.01985
       9   0.00000         1.10464      0.79333        -0.225     2.975   0.07944
       9   0.00000        -1.10464      0.79333        -0.225     2.975   0.07944
  8. nmcmax, nmcrep, nrecd, nmcvch, nmccnt
     10000000     10000    100000       500    50000

V. File formats

VI. References