CVDISTR: calculating sphericity from circular variance
Mihaly Mezei
Department of Pharmacological Sciences,
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
New York, NY 10029
June 23, 2015.
The program calculates the degree of sphericity by comparing the distribution
of circular variances for the atoms in a moleule with the same
distribution for a set of atoms inside a sphere
[M. Mezei, J. Math. Chem., 53, 2184-2189 (2015);
doi: 10.1007/s10910-015-0540-4].
The program is run with command line arguments:
cvdistr [options]
where the following options are available:
- -h : Print the list of options
- -cvrefgrid ngrid : calculate the sphere CV distribution on a cubic grid,
ngrid grids each direction
- -cvrefran maxran : calculate the sphere CV distribution on a random grid,
a total of maxran points
- -cvcomp file : Read the structure in PDB format from file
- -grids ngrids : use the cubic grid with ngrids points for
- -ncvbins maxbin : use maxbin bins for the CV distribution
- -stretch gx gy gz : Compare the spherical grid with a grid
stretched by <gx, gy, gz>
- -cvcomplist file : Read the list of pdb files from file and
compare their CV distribution with the reference distribution
- -sfalist file : Read the sphericity records calculated with sfanal
for correlation
- -momcorr exponent: calculate correlation for up to the moment
- -plot file : write the distributions to file for gnuplot
- -debug : print debugging output
The program is written in Fortran-77 and can be compiled with any
Fortran compiler, including GNU fortran:
f77 -o cvdistr cvdistr.f
to obtain the executable cvdistr