Monte Carlo study of the aqueous hydration of dimethyl
phosphate conformations
Monte Carlo computer simulations were performed on dilute aqueous
solutions of the dimethylphosphate anion and the sodium
dimethylphospahe ion pair, with the two phosphodiester torsional
angles in the gauche-gauche, gauche-trans, and trans-trans
conformations. The structural and energetic aspects of the
aqueous hydration of each molecule were analyzed in terms of
quasi component distribution functions based on the proximity
criterion and partitioned into ionic, hydrophilic, and
hydrophobic contributions to facilitate the understanding of the
hydration pattern and conformational trends in these
multifunctional solutes. Special attention was also paid to
methodological issues affecting hydration such as statistical
uncertainty in the determined hydration indices, choice of
partial atomic charges for the solute atoms and solute-water
interaction potentials adopted in the simulations. The results
showed that the gauche-trans and gauche-gauche forms are equally
favorable for the dimethylphosphate anion with the trans extended
form destabilized by hydration. The sodium dimethylphosphate ion
pair hydration energetically favors the trans-trans conformation.