Observation of quantum signature in rivastigmine chemical bond break-up and
quantum energetics, spectral studies of anti-Alzheimer inhibitors
Semi-empirical calculations on the torsion potential for dihedral angle of rivastigmine
linking NAP andCarbamyle moieties consistently show regions of several discontinuities
and a cusp indicating molecu-lar instability and eventual break-up of rivastigmine
observed in the X-ray structure.
The phenomena can be explained both by definition of large classical force or
quantum nature of chemical bond break-up.
Also, to better understand the molecular properties and quantum energetics
of the inhibitormolecules, we have performed several ab initio based calculations
on all four inhibitors at equilibrium geometry,
in ground state and gas phase using the density functional theory level
A number of properties like computational vibrational (IR), Raman and
nuclear magneticresonance (NMR) spectra as well as HOMO and LUMO orbital energies
at optimized geometries havebeen computed by SPARTAN16 and Gaussian16 utilities.
Also, the thermodynamic and QSAR proper-ties of the inhibitors have been assessed
and compared by a number of different semi-quantum, Hartree-Fock and density functional methods.
The theoretical NMR and IR spectra have been bench-marked against experimental spectrum
to compare and assess suitability of the computational methodologies and
basis set levels for the calculations.